Biding Farewell to 2018

As we look ahead to a New Year, resolutions, dreams and hopes we close the previous year.  I always appreciate remembering the challenges, failures, and successes of that year.  It is with a tear in my eye that I watch the TV dedications to those who passed in the closing year.  Most of them I never knew or met, but their contributions to our lives can not be ignored.  Steven Hocking passed this year.  His brilliance in scientific reason and his fortitude to continue despite unimaginable odds demand respect.  Both George and Barbara Bush passed this year.  This is common in long term marriages, the connection is so deep that life comes to an end for both in a short time.  My adopted parents were married 60 years and passed with in two months of each other.  I am sure there were many others who touched your lives and are no longer with us.

Now, on to the hope and excitement of the New Year.  If you are pregnant there will be many wonderful joys and challenges in coming months!!!  If you have already delivered you are experiencing the transition from ‘individual’ to ‘parent’.  In coming years you will be known as So and So’s Mom or Dad.  In a very short time you will have a hard time remembering life before your precious little one arrived.  It is amazing how quickly we acclimate to new roles in life.  It is truly an adventure!!  And it is individual.  No one will experience your life the way you will.  No one else will be the Mom, Dad, Wife, Husband, Sister, Brother, Aunt, Uncle, Friend….. you will be.  Embrace this, enjoy it, be your very best you, you will not regret it!!!!


Merry Christmas Eve!!!!

How can it already be Christmas again?????  This year flew by for most of us!  Our family is blessed with another beautiful granddaughter, Amanda Corine.  She was born in July, right between her two older sisters: Felicity, June, and Danielle, August.  Yes, three granddaughters, what precious gifts!!!  Right now two of our kids are returning from two weeks in Antarctica.  Yes, our kids are world travelers.  Ha!  Look what you have to look forward to!  Enjoy them while they are stationery, because once they start moving you are no longer in total control!  Ha!

One of our kids worked as personal assistant to Tony Robbins and his wife half the year.  That one put on literally hundreds of thousands of air miles!!!  Another, won his second term in the State House of Representatives where he lives!  A third became a Staff Sargent in the United Stated Marines.  There were many other incredible achievements this year, with five adult children there are way too many to mention.

We are grateful for a year of peace in America, for the improved economy for all, for the massive improvement in international relations.  It is with heartfelt thanks that we look to our creator as the provider of these many blessings.

Have a wonderful Christmas Day, what ever religion you follow.  Celebrate the joy and blessing of living in the greatest country on earth.  Enjoy those close to you and find peace.



Exercise for Pregnant Mommies

As the holidays gin up and you have less time to take care of you I encourage you to keep exercise in your schedule.  The YouTube videos below help you keep moving and feeling good.  Two or three – fifteen minute sessions a day will make it easy for you to keep exercising.  This is great preparation for delivery and will help your body recover after labor.  Do not do more than you are comfortable doing and keep walking on a regular basis.  You will be glad you did!!!



Prenatal Yoga


2nd Trimester Prenatal Workout Video


More Prenatal Yoga





December is Here!!!

Baby’s First Christmas/Hanukkah  will have all kinds of wonderful memories for you and your family.  I encourage you to take as many photos as you are able.  As time will show, finding a good photo with more than one person, especially if baby is involved, can be quite a feat.  I have a darling photo of my granddaughter from her first Christmas.  She was 6 months old.  Her mom and dad said it took 1,000 tries to get it!  Ha!!!  I laugh, but it actually could take that many.  Now they have three darling girls ranging in age from 3 years to 6 months.  Now it will take even more to find one they love……thank God things are digital now!!!!   They will save a fortune!!!

In our last entry we talked about photo ornaments and other ways to remember the season including your new family member.  I really encourage you to take a family photo each year.  It doesn’t have to be formal or professionally done, but looking back to those first holidays will fill your heart with so much joy!!!  This year during the after Christmas sales purchase a lovely album and save this year’s photo and a copy of your holiday card or letter.  Next year add another.  You will be so glad you took the time to set this up.  Your children and family members will love seeing mom and dad in their younger years!  You will remember that precious little bundle of joy who has grown up!!!  You can not loose on this one!!!

Also, take an individual photo of each child each year.  These are my very favorite ornaments.  Remembering my 33 year old on her first Christmas at 10 months of age.  There is truly nothing like it.  If you have a family member who understands how important this is to you and takes photos you like, ask them to do this for you each year.  I can be a bit of a planner, so I don’t know that I would trust someone else with this one.  But you know who you can depend upon.  Remember, an individual photo of each child.  Again during the after Christmas sales purchase the mini photo frames for that year and put babies photo in it.  You are set for next Christmas when you pull down the ornaments to decorate the tree.  So much fun!!!

More later,  JUDY